

What is this all about.  Well, the word manscape is a play on words between man and landscaping.  Cute right… uh yea, whatever you say.

What is our responsibility as guys to take care of this so called manscaping or male grooming? Well… everything. That is if you care or if your significant other cares but you should.  Times have changed and its time to take responsibility for yourself.  Now I’m not saying go get a pedicure if that’s not your thing but do take care of yourself.  Go buy a cheap trimmer and buzz up those areas that have gotten out of control.  Just like when you take the time to trim the weeds behind the shed a few times a year.  Manscaping is the same concept.  You got to cut back those areas and that’s really what its all about.  Everyone will be pleased; even me if you have a wild farm of wheat growing on your back and I am taking my kids to the beach!

As for the stache, ya mon; that’s all part of it too but with your mustache, points are given to creativity and risk!

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Male Grooming

Male Grooming

So where do we start talking about this.   Well, this is a mustache themed site so certainly we should include the different styles of mustaches that can make up the beginnings of a groom session.  You can find those different styles more detailed in the mustache styles portion of this site.

The horse shoe mustache is my particular favorite but certainly the pencil thin mustache is quite sophisticated.


horse shoe mustache

Male grooming continues though to a broad set of areas such as ear hair.  Gentlemen, manscaping includes those ears.  What about the eyebrows.  This one has still been difficult for me to swallow.  I cannot argue that I have some rogue eyebrow

hairs that get out of control but when I go to get my hair cut and the dresser volunteers to hit up my brows with a quick buzzer, I vote no way.  I personally carefully clip them later with a small scissor.

Male grooming does certainly take into account for back hair and chest hair.  My stance on that is hit the back hair bare to skin when you can think about it and hit the chest with like a 1 guard to bring it down but going bare to skin I think doesn’t really matter.

And finally the rest of the obvious places.  Clean it up; nuff said about that.

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Matt Lauer and Danny Devito Mustache

I pulled this out of the archives after watching the Lorax with my kids recently.  What a great movie teaching kids the importance of protecting our environment.

The mustaches are great in this movie and represented during a plug with Matt Lauer, both he and Danny DeVito sport the Lorax Mustaches.

lorax stache

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Mustache on a Truck

I’ve seen car’s painted with batman icons and eyelashes on headlights but this image is great.  A couple of buddy’s sent me this picture of their truck while they were tail gaiting a Jacksonville game.  A mustache on a truck; there’s nothing else to say about that.

Mustache on a truck

Mustache on a truck

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Mustache Tattoo

Mustache Tattoo

I’m never ceased to be amazed by some of the suggestions that some of the readers send me but this one really caught my attention.  Mustache Tattoos.  On the surface, it seems somewhat ridiculous when I first thought about it; why would anyone get a mustache tattoo and where would they get it but once I started doing some research, apparently its actually kind of popular.  I am seeing a lot of people get a tiny mustache tattoo on their pointer finger and they hold it up to their face under their nose to present a finger mustache tattoo.  Sort of funny… well sort of funny if its drawn on with a pen but I’m not to sure about getting a real tattoo of a mustache on my finger.  I much rather just grow one but hey, everybody likes different things.  If you have any good mustache tattoos feel free to post them in the comments or email them to me in the contact form and I’ll post them on the site.

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Reasons to grow a mustache

Reasons to Grow a Mustache

There are many reasons to grow a mustache but in my opinion, its best to do it out of self discipline. The beginnings of mustache growth can be a humbling time for an adult male. I make this distinguishing note between adult males and a teenager struggling for any peach fuzz to turn a darker shade in the hopes they might be able to pass as older and buy some smokes.

…sorry, I got side tracked. The beginning weeks of growing a mustache can be pretty rough but you have to remember that just like everything else in life, you reap what you sew. Push through the days of early growth and you will be rewarded in the weeks to come. To limit the outsider days of looking like a weird guy who has some dirt under his nose, you can full on quit shaving for a few weeks. Given, your job allows the look of a two week old shave, you can pull this off until you feel as though you are ready to get rid of your beard and show off your mustache. Another choice is the fu man chu. You can grow one of these just about in any line of business and let your mustache really have time to assemble nicely underneath your nose. These are just a few strategies you can take early on when growing your mustache.

Once you have felt as if you are really a contender, shave off all the hair and display your mustache. You will undoubtedly find yourself with a Chevron but give it time an you can grow just about any style mustache you choose!

Go ahead and get started and start to grow a mustache today!!

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